Sony Will Have Another PlayStation 5 Showcase This Week, September 16

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Sony announced that they will have another livestream showcase event for the PlayStation 5 on September 16 at 1pm PDT / 4 AM GMT+8.

Based on PlayStation’s blog post, it’s going to be “around 40 minutes” and will focus on the latest games coming to the new console that’s planned for this year.

Many folks looking forward to the event are expecting this to be the time Sony will reveal the PlayStation 5’s price and launch date as Microsoft has made the first move by revealing not only the price of the Xbox Series X and Series S but the launch date last week.

Their last major showcase focused on the PlayStation 5 system was back in June, which is where they revealed to the world the next-gen console’s box design.

You can catch the livestream event in either via Sony’s official Twitch channel or Youtube.