MMO Survival Game The Day Before Looks Too Good To Be True


Developer Fntastic and publisher MyTona have revealed their open world survival MMO The Day Before with a lengthy announcement trailer presented similar to how Ubisoft’s The Division was revealed back in the day.

The Day Before looks like a mixture of The Last of Us and DayZ as it’ s an online survival MMO set in a post-apocalyptic world where you have to hunt for supplies and fend off the infected and hostile players.

Have a look at the trailer below.

Everything shown in the trailer looks great and it got me excited mid-way through the video. But then I remembered how The Division was first presented. And Watch Dogs. Heck, even Cyberpunk 2077, which had a horrible launch to a point Sony pulled the game from their online store.

The Day Before footage looks too good to be true and thanks to how it was presented (voice chat between players, the narration, etc) i’ll remain cautiously optimistic for this one.

It also doesn’t help that The Day Before was announced just this week and is aiming for a PC launch via Steam during Q2 of 2021. Are they aiming to be another Early Access title in development for years? Who knows.

The studio working on this MMO survival game is Fntastic, who are best known for their work on mobile games such as Radiant One and top-down survival game called The Wild Eight. A surprisingly big step for them as a company as it’s likely a highly ambitious project for them.

The publisher MyTona, on the other hand, also seems to be taking a big step as they are mostly known to publish free-to-play mobile titles. You can learn more about the publisher here.

The concept looks great and if it does play like that on release then great! I’m all on board. But with their release window and very impressive presentation, it’s best to not get too excited until more is shown by the developers. We’ve been through this road many times before.