Assassin's Creed Valhalla Is Real, First Trailer Going Live Later Tonight

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The next Assassin’s Creed game for 2020 is officially called Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and the first trailer of the game will launch on April 30 2020 at 11 PM GMT +8 / April 30, 11 AM EST.

The title and where the next game will be set was revealed in a livestream today with BossLogic showcasing an artwork (shown above) he did confirming the name and it’s setting, which is set in the Viking age.

No other details were provided after the reveal, so all we can do is wait for the cinematic trailer to drop as we will likely find more about where exactly will the game will take place and who will be the main protagonist this time around.

If you want to check out the livestream reveal of the artwork — which is BossLogic magic the artwork live via Photoshop for hours — you can check it out here.