The Most Downvoted Comment In Reddit History Is Now A Mod


Star Wars Battlefront 2 was hit with waves of controversies thanks to how the game implemented lootboxes and how content is unlocked. In Reddit, a reddit user commented saying "Seriously? I paid $80 to have Vader locked?" and was replied to by an EA representative, making the reply the most downvoted comment in Reddit.

The first line didn't help the issue EA and DICE created at all:

“The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.”

Thanks to the efforts of Creator Dareedevokl, there is now a mod that changes the game's lootbox textures, applying the words "pride and accomplishment"on the side of every lootbox in the game. He even considered applying the Star Wars font in the design. A nice touch. It is available now on Nexus Mods for those playing the PC version of the game. 


It's a simple mod but it's a good reminder of the controversy Star Wars Battlfront 2 had the moment the game was released back in November.