You Can Now Preorder A Physical Copy of Hades At Datablitz

Hades is coming to PlayStation consoles this August and Datablitz announced that those interested can secure their copy as early as now. Placing a pre-order will earn you a digital copy of the Hades original soundtrack plus a character compendium booklet.

Hades will launch on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One on August 13, 2021 but pre-orders for local retailers such as Datablitz are currently limited to the physical copies of the PS4 and PS5. All you need to secure your preorder is shell out PHP 500.

Is there a difference between the PS4 and PS5 version of Hades?

Despite both the PS4 and PS5 version of Hades being priced at PHP 1,550, there is a slight difference between the two versions. Developer Supergiant Games revealed that the PS4 version will run at 1080p resolution at 60 fps while the PS5 version will offer 4K resolution at 60 fps. Also note that there won’t be be any cross-save support in case you were hoping to transfer your progress from either the PC or Switch version of the game.

Hades was Supergiant’s first title that went through an early access program, and surprisingly enough, it was first only available on the Epic Game Store back in 2018, the year the online store went live to the public. It was eventually available on Steam via it’s Early Access program in 2019, and officially launched in September 2020 on PC and the Nintendo Switch. This was also my Game of the Year for the year 2020 and for good reason.

Hades is a solid rogue-like game that elevates the genre to new heights thanks to how developer Supergiant Games tackled Zagreus’ journey to the surface, defying his father Hades, lord of the underworld. After 30 hours of going through the trip to the surface multiple times, Supergiant was able to make each run unique not only in gameplay but in it’s story, making it a unique title that has stood out even today.

If you’re on a budget, the Steam version is just PHP 550 and it doesn’t require much to run the game smoothly. That’s at full price too, so it could get lower thanks to the typical Steam sales that occur every now and then.