Rainbow Six Extraction guide - Tips for doing solo missions

Rainbow Six Extraction is a co-op shooter best played with a group, but it doesn’t mean solo missions are out of the question. If you don’t want to play with random players and wish to earn experience while waiting for your friends to log in, this guide points out a few tips in the hopes that your solo mission runs smoothly. 

Drones are king, always scout ahead

Scouting ahead, this should take priority over anything else, especially when going on missions alone. If you’re not using an Operator that can feed you information with their unique gadget, be sure to bring a recon drone to check 2-3 rooms ahead so you can access and plan how to clear each one. Never neglect this as the last thing you want is to trigger multiple nests and before you know it you are overwhelmed and have now lost an Operator.

Clear the objective’s surrounding area before triggering it

Once you’ve located the objective, make sure you clear the area first. If you need to escort an asset, clear the path towards the extraction point before picking him up. Do you need to hold multiple positions one by one? Break all the nests nearby to avoid additional enemies roaming near you as well as clear the floors of Sprawl, the black goo that slows players down when you go through it. The most ideal scenario is you being able to do the objective with little to no enemies in sight. 

Your own gadgets won’t affect you (stun grenades, frag grenades)

If you plan to do solo missions on a higher difficulty, take note that stun grenades and other explosive gadgets like frag grenades do not hurt you when you are in the blast radius. It’s weird, I know, but use it to your advantage.

If you’re in a pinch and need to reload, you can throw stun grenades in front of your feet to stun enemies that are about to swarm and hit you. This will give you time to reload and reposition yourself easily. Explosives can be useful as you can use them in narrow corridors without worrying about blowing yourself up. 

Have blinding spores attached to you? Wait for it to detonate or use gadgets

Blinding spores can be a pain, especially when it detonates when you’re engaging other enemies. Usually, spores attached to you can be removed by other players shooting or meleeing these yellow orbs off your Operator. While on solo missions, lone wolves don’t have such luxuries. 

The only way to remove them from your body on your own is to use stun grenades or any explosives near you to clear them. If you have no gadget on hand, let it detonate before moving forward- wait in a corner with no enemies nearby, let it explode and wait until your vision is clear again. 

Be sure to reinforce when holding an objective

You have no one to watch your back, so objectives where you need to defend or hold a location can be tough when enemies start to surround you. Best way to combat this is to reinforce any form of entry like doors, breakable walls and windows. If you’re not confident in these types of scenarios be sure to bring gadgets like claymores for added fortifications. .

Use a silencer on your secondary for stealth, keep your primary loud

When being a lone wolf, silencers will be your best friend, but not all missions will be 100% stealth as you will eventually need to deal with multiple Archaeans that know you are there. That means you need that extra firepower and a primary without a silencer will do wonders for you.

Remember that attaching a silencer decreases a weapon’s damage in favor of discreet firing, so reserve your primary for when you need to go loud and use your silencer pistol to take out foes silently from afar.

Explosives can destroy armored nests

In higher difficulties you’ll have a bigger chance at experiencing a mutation where a mission will have armored nests. These nests are immune to bullet fire so the only way to eliminate them is to go up and close and do a melee takedown. 

But what if there’s too many enemies around with multiple nets in a room? Just blow it up. Explosives can easily break these nests so if you have anything that goes boom when this mutation is up, use it if melee isn’t an option. 

Rainbow Six Extraction is now available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC. If you haven’t checked it out, here’s our review of the game.