Overwatch 2 PvP closed beta set for late April

Blizzard announced that a closed PVP beta is planned for Overwatch 2. Access is very limited as it’s meant for Blizzard employees, Overwatch League pros, and a few select groups.

The first PvP Beta will happen in late April on PC in all regions and will include these content for testing:

  • New Damage Hero: Sojourn

  • New Game Mode: Push

  • 5v5 Multiplayer 

  • Hero Reworks

  • 4 new maps

If you’re keen to take a shot at getting access to the first PvP beta you can opt in at PlayOverwatch.com, which requires with your Battle.net account.

The Overwatch team over at Blizzard also released a new community video with game director Aaron Keller, highlighting that communication between the studio and the Overwatch community regarding the sequel have been lacking recently but aims to change that starting with this video. 

For those not aware, Overwatch 2 and other highly anticipated titles were delayed and is likely gonig to release in 2023, and it has been awhile since we heard anything from Blizzard regarding their online shooter.