Elden Ring Guide - Where to find the Legendary Sorceries and Incantations

Elden Ring has a crazy amount of sorceries and incantations, giving players a variety of options if you want to equip your character with either offensive or defensive spells. But there are only a handful of legendary spells in the game, and they can be hard to find if you don’t know where to look. If you’re looking to get the achievement or simply complete your list of spells, here’s a full list for each one and where to find them. 

Where to find Elden Ring’s Legendary Sorceries and Incantations

Elden Ring has a total of seven (7) legendary sorceries and incantations.

1) Legendary Incantation - Flame of the Fell God

This one is rather easy as all you need to do is beat the boss in the Malefator’s Evergaol. You can find the place in Liurnia of the Lakes (image above). Activate the Evergaol and simply beat the boss Adam, Thief of Fire to get the Flame of the Fell God legendary Incantation. 

2) Legendary Sorcery - Founding Rain of Stars

This can be found later in the game when you have access to the Mountaintops of the Giants region. The legendary sorcery Founding Rain of Stars can be found in the tower called Heretical Rise, which is north east from the first site of grace you unlock in the region (look at the image above).  This one is a bit tricky as once you’re near the tower you’ll need to cross an invisible bridge. 

There's a faint mist that can lead you to where you need to go, so pay attention to where you’re standing. If you’re online, you could find messages from other players on the invisible bridge, giving you a good idea where to go. The blood spots can also be seen, which is a good indicator as well. 

Once you reach the tower just simply go up to the top of Heretical Rise to get the spell. 

3) Legendary Incantation - Greyoll’s Roar

To get this legendary incantation you’ll first need to kill the open world dragon boss Greyoll in Caelid. The gray dragon can be found near the Fort Faroth Site of Grace. He doesn’t fly or even move as he’s planted on the ground protected by other dragons.

The fight is rather easy as you can cheese it by simply attacking the dragon in it’s rear. The boss has an insane amount of life but can easily be dealt with a weapon that inflicts the blood loss effect. Simply chip away at his health until you kill it.

Once beaten, you’ll not only earn five dragon hearts but unlock the option to buy the Greyoll’s Roar incantation at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion. The cathedral can be found south of Caelid (see image above) and you simply need to buy the incantation in the lit altar. The spell just requires 3 dragon hearts to buy the spell. 

4) Legendary Incantation - Elden Stars

The legendary incantation Elden Stars can be found in the underworld in Deeproot Depths. Explore the are and once you’ve found the Great Waterfall Crest Site of Grace you’re near the spell. Start heading west until you reach some roots, you’ll soon see a root going up towards a cave. Enter the cave and you’ll encounter a few giant ants. Take care of them and you’ll see the spell just at the cave exit. 

5) Legendary Sorcery - Ranni’s Dark Moon

This is probably one of the trickiest as it requires you to go through the Ranni questline to access the Moonlight Altar Plateau, the area above the Village of Albinaurics. 

When you’ve unlocked the plateau, from the Moonlight Altar Site of Grace, head southwest to reach the tower Chelona’s Rise. Once you reach the tower, you’ll notice a barrier blocking your path. You’ll need to interact with the lit imp structure at the tower entrance and it will ask you to seek three “wise beasts”. Simply put, you need to look for three ghost turtles in the Moonlight Altar Plateau. 

Take note: When searching for them, I advise to avoid teleporting to a Site of Grace as it could reset the whole process. It’s best to just to go to each location using Torrent until you disable the barrier. 

Here are the three locations of the turtles, which are marked in red on the image above.

  1. This turtle is floating up in the air near a spirit tornado. simply use torrent to superjump and take down then turtle by hitting it with your trusty steed.

  2. This turtle is hanging by the cliffside west of the tower. Just take a peek at the edge and pick it off with a ranged attack.

  3. This turtle is simply southwest of the plateau.

In my experience this can be buggy. For one of my playthroughs I didn’t need the turtle on the southeast side of the area. After taking out the first and second turtles the barrier broke. It’s still not clear as to why it happened, but just to be sure check all three areas mentioned regardless.

6) Legendary Sorcery - Comet Azur

This legendary sorcery spell can be found south of Mt. Gelmir, near the Hermit village and right beside the Primeval Sorcerer Azur Site of Grace.

If you haven’t been there, the entrance to that site of the mountain can be found in the southwest side of Atlus Plateau, where you normally enter the area. Starting from the Erdtree-Gazing Hill Site of Grace, simply head north and go up the rocky terrain. Once you’ve reached the Wyndham Ruins, head west toward the direction of Mt. Gelmir. 

Once you come across the Site of Grace Seethewater River, you’re on the right track. From there, keep going through the mountain path as it eventually ends with you reaching the Primeval Sorcerer Azur Site of Grace.  Find the crystalized body and simply interact with it to get the Comet Azur spell. 

7) Legendary Sorcery - Stars of Ruin

This legendary sorcery involves the sorceress Sellen questline. You can find Sellen in the Waypoint Ruins Cellar in Limgrave, which is far east from the game’s starting point. 

Once you’ve located her, be sure to interact with her when you’ve already obtained the legendary sorcery spell Comet Azur. Choose the option to show her the spell and she’ll give you a key and task you to find another sorcerer in a cave called Sellia Hideaway, which is found in Caelid. 

Sellia Hideaway is near Fort Faroth (look at map above) and you can safely get to the cave by starting from the Church of the Plague Site of Grace. From there, head northeast to a small graveyard with a lone enemy mage. Behind the main headstone along the cliffside is an invisible wall covering the entrance to Sellia Hideaway.

Go through the cave and clean the place out as there is more than one loot in this cave (there’s a good amount of invisible walls too, so start swinging!). You’ll eventually come across a barrier deep in the cave, which you can unlock with the key Sellen gave you. Enter the area and pick up the spell.

That’s all there is to it for the legendary spells in Elden Ring. If you’re interested in finding the legendary talismans in the game, I also have a guide for that as well.