Elden Ring guide - beginner tips and tricks you need to know

Elden Ring is here and From Software’s latest offering is brutal, yet satisfying and if you’re a big fan of the Souls series and games like it, you’ll feel right at home when you explore the Lands Between. For those new to games like this and is eager to give this game a shot, it might look intimidating at the beginning, so here’s a few beginner tips and tricks I rounded up while playing the game.  

Elden Ring Guide - beginner tips and tricks

Unlock your steed and the ability to level up right away

When you venture out into the open world it would be tempting to start exploring and pretty much soak as much of the game as you can. Problem is, you can’t make use of the Runes you’ve accumulated or cover much ground. Once you leave your first grace site in the open world, I suggest you follow the direction the trail of grace is pointing at. You will need to unlock three sites of grace to trigger Melina to visit you in a grace site and give you the ability to level up and summon your trusty steed.

Don’t forget the crafting kit in the first vendor you meet

As you head down and meet your first vendor in the ruined church nearby the first site of grace you unlock in the open world. It’s pretty much the first structure you’ll see when overlooking The Lands Between for the first time. Head there, talk to the vendor and make sure you buy the crafting kit to unlock the ability to craft items with resources found in the world. It’s just 300 runes, too. This can actually be missed by some.

Keep track of requests from characters

There are a lot of characters in Elden Ring and sometimes they will ask you to do something for them. Since the game doesn’t track quests compared to other open world games, you’ll have to keep track of them yourselves. Either a mental note or writing it down will help.

If you can’t beat a boss, take a break, do something else

Certain bosses in Elden Ring will beat you more ways than none, to the point that you just realized you spent 3 hours on that single boss. Don’t worry, many have been in the same position, sometimes worse. Take a break, or do something else in the game to get stronger and cool off.The best thing about Elden Ring is there’s so much to do that you can just walk away from a boss for the time being and progress elsewhere. 

Prioritize upgrading a few weapons at the start

Based on what I experienced in my first playthrough, the materials you get at the start of the game is enough to upgrade a handful of weapons. For a smoother experience I suggest you pool your resources on a single weapon or two to make sure you hit as hard as possible for upcoming encounters.

Spell slots work differently here

When planning your build, take note that stats don’t affect how many spell your character can carry . By default every character starts with two Memory Slots and you simply have to find what they call Memory Stones hidden around the world to increase your capacity.

Thoroughly check ruins towers, and other locations

When you come across ruins or ransacked towns –pretty much areas that stick out in the world –there’s always a big chance there’s valuable loot, or better yet a short dungeon with loot you’ll appreciate. Keep a lookout!

Pick up map fragments nearby

When you start the game, the overall map is pretty much blank. To unlock each section of the map you’ll need to pick up map fragments which sit beside monuments mostly found on paths. If you check your brown black map, you’ll notice an icon on it. That’s the location of that section’s map fragment, head there and watch that section of the map revealed to you!

Label the map as much as possible

The map is gigantic, there’s no denying this. You’ll soon see what I'm talking about soon, so it would be best to label certain points of interest on the map as soon as you can to remind you what’s over there. Let’s say you find a vendor by the coast - label where he is in the map. Maybe you come across a boss that you can’t beat yet, or a location filled with valuable resources. Populate your map with important markers to remind you of things you’ve discovered. 

Talk to a character multiple times

If you’re a Souls veteran, carry on. But if this will be your first soulslike experience made by From Software be sure to interact with each character multiple times until the NPC repeats a line you’ve already heard. Most of the characters have a lot to say, and will require you to manually interact with them to hear everything.

Use Stonesword Keys wisely

When exploring the world you’ll come across Stonesword Keys, valuable items that open pathways blocked by a silver fog. If you come across one and have a key on you, find the statue nearby to unlock it. But be sure if it’s worth the investment. Check messages left from players nearby as they might give you a hint at what you’ll get. If it’s not worth it, maybe it’s best to save the key for now and return when you have spare keys. 

When you hear sounds of glitter, a Teardrop Scarab is nearby

Another thing to look out for when exploring the Lands Between are those Teardrop Scarabs. These are those beetle-like bugs pushing a wooden ball around. The red ones refill your healing flasks while the blue one heals your FP. The silver ones are the most important as killing those will drop Ash of War skills and even spells. You can spot a Teardrop Scarab nearby if you suddenly hear glitter sounds. If you do, start searching the area. 

I’ve played over 40 hours of Elden Ring and my review in progress is available right now and covers all you need to know about From Software’s latest title.