Doom Eternal is getting a Horde Mode next week

Developer Id Software announced that Doom Eternal will finally get it’s very own Horde mode next week on October 26 when the 6.66 patch goes live.

The patch also comes with a few changes to the 2v1 Battlemode multiplayer mode as well as a new arena, streak-based awards, and two new Master levels. 

If you’re interested in seeing the Horde mode in action, community manager Joshua Boyle and Hugo Martin gave us a taste of the new game mode in their latest livestream via Twitch which you can watch here. 

Originally, Id Sofware was planning to provide a Dark Souls-like Invasion game mode where players can invade another player’s game and play as one of the many demons in the game. The process of developing the Invasion game mode was the reason why Horde mode wasn’t going to happen, but just last July, Id Software pulled the plug on developing the Invasion game mode due to “unforeseen consequences of the pandemic”. 

And that’s why Horde mode is now a thing and it looks like they’ve put it all together in a few months time. The Invasion idea was a cool concept but killing waves of demons in Horde isn’t so bad either.

Doom Eternal released last year on March 20, 2020 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.