Silent Hill f Announced, New Entry to the Series Set In 1960s Japan

To end the Silent Hill Transmission broadcast, Konami announced Silent Hill f, a new entry to the horror series set in 1960s Japan. The game will be developed by studio NeoBards Entertainment and the story will be written by Ryukishi07 (When They Cry).

The game’s characters and creatures are being designed by Kera and Motoi Okamoto, who will also be the producer for the new game. Developer NeoBards is a studio in China and has recently assisted in the development of Resident Evil Re:Verse. 

They didn’t go into detail about Silent Hill f but if we just go by the teaser trailer alone, it will revolve around a ruined Japanese town with what seems to have some kind of fungus slowly engulfing it.  It's already a unique entry for the series as this is set in the 60s and not in the United State, as most titles were set in that region. 

No platform or release date was announced. 

There’s more announced during the Silent Hill Transmission event as a Silent Hill 2 remake, Silent Hill: Townfall, a live interactive series called Silent Hill: Ascension, and a new movie was announced during the broadcast.