E3 2013: Hellraid trailer

Hellraid_03_Block Techland puts zombie survival aside and plans to bring us Hellraid; an FPS co-op Hack and Slash game. have a look at the trailer below.

Hellraid isn't a next-gen title, and will be out later this year for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. not much information, but count me in for some co-op hack and slash any day.

[Source: Hellraid site]

Dead Island: Ripitide gameplay footage features new mechanics

Dead Island Riptide01 Deep Silver finally reveals actual gameplay footage of the game in a form of a walkthrough, explaining new features added in Riptide. The video explains a new defense mission that requires you to salvage useful items that would help fortify a certain location to fend of hordes of zombies. 

The sequel (or spin-off, not too sure)looks and feels the same. That I'm ok with since the whole concept works, what I'm not ok with is the awkward animations from the last game is still present in Riptide. When I saw the player pick up an item as if he was giving a right hook to do so, I noticed right away they didn't change it. I sound a bit picky, but I was really bothered by it in the first game, seeing those weird animations every single time, it was really weird to look at, even the shadow animation showing how your character runs. The small things, I know.

Dead Island Riptide starts off where the first game ended from the looks of it. Nowhere near Banoi, but in the same archipelago. Same characters, same HUD, pretty much the same game.

Did you want a more improved 2013 Dead Island game, or is this simple enough to keep us satisfied? This is the first released video of the game, so let's hope they have more to show because the game comes out on April 23 on Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Call of Juarez: The Gunslinger announced

The next entry to the Call of Juarez series is Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, a downloadable title for PSN, Xbox Live, and PC. Together with the announcement, Ubisoft released a live-action announcement trailer.

No game footage whatsoever from this trailer, but we do know that the game puts players in the shoes of a bounty hunter tracking down famous outlaws like Billy the Kid, Jesse James, and more. The game will also feature the ability to slow down time in order to aim your shots at the same time dodge incoming bullets.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is being developed over at Techland(Dead Island) and  is aiming for a 2013 release.

[Source: Gameinformer]

Dead Island patch fixes broken PC version of the game, but say goodbye to your save

When Dead Island came out, most PC gamers got first dibs since they bought digital copies from Steam and started downloading the game. Surprisingly enough, that copy of the game in Steam is apparently an old build of the game(actually, its a Xbox 360 dev build) which still had dev keys in them. It was buggy as ever and have cheat codes and a fly mode hotkey'd to the letter 'Y' on your keyboard. Who made the mistake of releasing this copy? no one knows but I'm sure he's kicking himself right now.

Thankfully a patch has come to fix all these issues, but you lose all your save files in the process. Devs couldn't find a way to save your progress and patch up this pre-released version of the game so they decided to provide a chapter select so you can at least salvage any progress you've made. Patch is up but another issue showed up. Activating the Ripper weapon(pre-order item) is now not working. Techland is aware of this issue and is looking for a fix. Talk about the worst game release in steam. They feel bad for the players that experienced this pre-release build and will announce a "make up" in the coming days.

The PS3 and Xbox 360 version of the game is out now in the Philippines with the PC retail version still MIA. I so want to get this game but on PC. Been thinking about getting the game when it gets released in steam for us on the 9th but with these kinds of issues? I'll patiently wait for the smoke to clear.

[Source: gamesRadar]