Skate 4 Is Now Officially Called Skate., Will Launch as a Free-to-Play Title 

Electronic Arts and developer Full Circle announced that the next title will not be called Skate 4 but Skate., and it will be a free-to-play skateboarding game that will feature cross-play and cross-progression through last-gen, next-gen, PC, and hopefully mobile in the future. 

In the game’s first developer video called the Board Room, Full Circle developers shared a good amount of details on the new Skate game. 

Creative director of Skate. Cuz Parry then wanted to make it clear early on in the video that this is not Skate 4 and that they are in it for the long haul in providing a live service free-to-play title. “This isn’t a sequel. It’s not a remake. It’s not a reboot, a prequel” says Parry, mentioning that the period at the end of the game’s title is intentional to express that they are setting up for the long term. “It’s not any of that. It’s not a remake or a remaster, whatever ‘re’ you can do. This is it, it’s Skate. We’re in this for the long haul. That means we’re not an iterative title. There won’t be a Skate 5 through 10. We won’t be pumping them out all the time. We’re going to do this. We’re going to listen to what you guys say over the course of time, and put the features that you guys want into it.”

The developers want the game to be accessible right from the start as cross-play and cross-progression will be available. They also mentioned that a mobile version of the game is currently in the works.

Microtransactions were also mentioned stating that this free-to-play title will not have pay-to-win practices or any purchasable item that will give a player some sort of advantage. They draw inspiration to other successful titles implementing a free-to-play business model and even mentioned Respawn Entertainment’s Apex Legends as one of their inspirations in making the decision to go free-to-pay.  

This new Skate game will be set in a new city called San Vansterdam and while they didn’t go into detail the many things you can do in this area they did mention multiplayer being an integral part of this new Skate game. The developers mentioned CollaBozone, a new feature for the series that allows players in that area to create skateable structures and simply invite other players nearby to try out their creations.

Since last year, Full Circle have been inviting big Skate fans to try out a very very early version of the game for player feedback and they plan to extend this opportunity to more fans of the series in lending a hand at shaping the new game. If you’re interested in being a Skate. Insider, check out the official website of the game and sign up. 

Skate. currently does not have a release date as the developers wanted to take their time to get this right.