Now is the Best Time to Learn How to Play Yu-Gi-Oh!

In light of all the Yu-Gi-Oh! video game news that Konami dropped not too long ago, now is the best time to learn how to play the game in preparation for the likes of Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel.

These past few weeks, I've been trying to relearn the YuGiOh TCG via a fan-made digital simulator called EDOPro. Unlike a licensed Konami game, there is no gamification to speak off in EDOPro as it is a means to test out decks and learn card interactions for various formats from the TCG, OCG, and even the Japanese exclusive Rush Duels.  You have access to the entire card list from the game's history and throw together whatever deck you want to play against others online.

I of course wanted to get others into at least trying out the game while not overwhelming them with all of the nuances and various mechanics that game has to offer. So I constructed what I'd like to call "Battle Tutorial" decks based off of the old Yugi and Kaiba starter decks from 2013. Swapping out a lot of the vanilla cards and adding more fairly basic combo synergy to showcase the game's potential to new players or casual fans who grew up watching the anime shows.

The decks are well balanced against each other and are really affordable if you'd want to assemble them in paper. I hope that you enjoy playing with these and using them to either learn the game or as a basis to teach new players with as we await the release of Master Duel.