Going Old School - Pocket Fighter (PS1)

pocket-fighters Here's a little Throwback Thursday us. A fun little fighting game that I'm sure is near and dear to a lot of people's hearts. A little gem that I wish Capcom would give the digital HD port / PS1 Classics treatment to. It's Pocket Fighter (Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix in Japan) for the original PlayStation.

Migoy and his cousin Jiks do a first to 10 set with Jiks on the 1P side and Migoy on 2P.

Going Old School #3: Rival Schools

Going Old School 3 Rival Fools Migoy and Bud are United By Fate to face each other in the highschool fighting arena known as Rival Schools!

With no training whatsoever and only relying on our childhood memories of this game. Migoy and Bud engage in 2 on 2 vs action with a variety of highschool students and faculty members in this awesome old school fighting game. Capcom, please bring Rival Schools back!


Going Old School #2: Fighting Force 2

Going Old School 02 If you didn't know, the 3D beat-em up game on the PlayStation called Fighting Force got a sequel. You'd expect the sequel to be the exact same game just with different stage or at least , while being different, would be similar enough to the first game in both genre and play style. Boy, would you be wrong.


Fighting Force 2 is an entirely different game. Instead of being a 2 player arcade style beat-em up, Fighting Force 2 became a 3rd person action game. Now that might not sound very different but let me put it this way. Imagine turning a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles SNES game into Tomb Raider.