Devil May Cry TGS trailer

Mostly everybody isn't too happy with Dante's new look(me included), but regardless of Dante's emo style, the gameplay seems to be intact. Ninja Theory and Capcom shows off Devil May Cry in TGS 2011 and released a new trailer showing that it will still play like the old games.

I'm still skeptical with the changes. At the same time, Capcom isn't developing this title, Ninja Theory(Enslaved: odyssey to the West, Heavenly Sword) is working on it. They knew that the reaction of the new look will be mostly negative, but went with it anyway. With the negative feedback towards the change in Dante's look,  most of the latest trailers released focuses entirely on gameplay footage. In terms of gameplay, it looks great. Gameplay looks and seems similar to the old Devil May Cry games. Is that enough though to keep people interested?

Dead or Alive 5 Officially Announced! Pre-Alpha Gameplay Footage Revealed

Kasumi in Dead or Alive 5 Oh yes! It's about time we get a new Dead or Alive that isn't a Volleyball Game! Today at the Tokyo Game Show, Dead or Alive 5 was officially announced and is currently being produced by Team Ninja Studios. The game will be published by Tecmo Koei.

A video came with the announcement was also revealed, it contains a gameplay footage of the Pre-Alpha Version of Dead or Alive 5.

Dead or Alive 5 is expected to be released sometime in 2012 for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

[Dead or Alive 5 Teaser Site - Team Ninja Studios]

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 TGS trailer reveals Virgil and Ironfist gameplay

During TGS 2011, Capcom reveals a new trailer revealing two new characters for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. In Capcom's side Virgil(Dante's brother) joins the fight. While in the Marvel side, we have Iron Fist, a martial arts master. Not only do they show new characters, they also reveal another interesting announcement.

Not only do they officially reveal two new characters, the trailer also confirms the leaked character roster of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. During the trailer, You see pictures of Frank West, Phoenix Wright and other characters in the leaked roster.  Also in the trailer, they also reveal that a portable version of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is heading for the PS Vita and it looks pretty good.

TGS 2011 trailer

Virgil Trailer

Iron First Trailer

[Sources: Eventhubs, Video Game Lounge]

Square-Enix announces Final Fantasy X HD remake for PS Vita and even PS3

Yes, Final Fantasy X is coming back. Square Enix is remastering this hit PS2 title for the PS Vita and even the PS3. Aside from the announcement of the title and it getting an HD treatment, no other information was given. Pretty excited since X was one of my personal favorites in the series. Now, how about FFVII Square-Enix? You know what the fans want.

This release is to celebrate the games 10th year anniversary when it was released back in 2001. Yes it's been that long.

[Source: joystiq]

Monster Hunter 4 revealed for 3DS

Capcom just announced Monster Hunter 4 and it's going to be an exclusive title for the 3DS. Was never really interested in buying a 3DS, but this one is making me think otherwise.

I've been a fan of Monster Hunter in the PSP. In fact, it's the only game in the PSP where I spend X amount of hours grinding to get that perfect weapon or Armour set, and gather with four of my friends to do some co op and challenge ourselves with even harder Monsters to hunt. The trailer is a pretty lengthy teaser of one hunter running for his life but eventually fights an even bigger monster in the end. One feature that caught my eye was the fact that you can jump on the monsters back and start slashing away. This is something the game should have implemented 2 Monster Hunter games ago.

With this being an exclusive title for the 3DS, will the Monster Hunter fans go out now to get their very own 3DS? or just stick to the old games?

[Source: VG247]