Rumor - Konami to reveal Castlevania: Lord of Shadows sequel?

konami to reveal sequel? It is rumored that Konami is set to reveal a sequel to Castlevania: Lord of Shadows on May 31. A teaser website is up with a URL titled "TheDragonReturns", and a door with some sort of Gothic look with the 31.05.12 date above it. If this rumor comes out true, Konami just gave a sequel to a Castlevania game that is not really Castlevania. 

Some people looked inside the coding of the site and found interesting codes named "CLOS teaser". A Lord of Shadows sequel is definitely possible. Konami's pre- E3 conference is also scheduled on the same day placed on the teaser, so were definitely getting a reveal of a new game at the end of the month.

It is also rumored that this game will be released for the Wii - U and possibly for the PS Vita.

I played Castlevania: Lord of Shadows from start to finish, and yes I did enjoy it. But it's not Castlevania at all - Just a God of War-like game with Castlevania placed in front of the title screen. I'd pick the old school Castlevania 2D platform style any day and I'm sure hardcore fans of the series would also agree. Does anybody even want a sequel to Lords of Shadows?

We'll soon find out next week. Stay tuned.

[Source: EuroGamer]


Elder Scrolls Online - Not What I Expected

Elder Scrolls OnlineIt was inevitable really, but the Elder Scrolls Online is now official. While I thought it would be cool to have an MMO of the Elder Scrolls world, first information about this game is what I had in mind. Down from the first images of the game to the game not being played in a first person perspective left me worried for the worse.

I bet Elder Scrolls fanboys are flaming the MMO as I type this. From what I'm reading so far and with the images leaked; This will come out as yet another generic MMO with just a famous franchise stamped in front of it to draw people in. ZeniMax Online is developing Elder Scrolls Online, and I hope they have something unique to show gamers in the next few months because all I see and read so far is not enough for this MMO to be the one to watch for 2013.

I still believe an online Elder Scrolls would work, but if only they stay true to why we love the Elder Scrolls. The fact that we are going to be playing Elder Scrolls Online in third person, not in real-time, and abilities accessible via the hotkeys makes it not Elder Scrolls at all.  When I heard about the changes in gameplay, I already lost all hope for the Elder Scrolls Online. Then I saw how the game will look like thanks to the leaked images, which makes it even worse.

Elder Scrolls Online leaked screens

Elder Scrolls Online leaked screens

Elder Scrolls Online leaked screens Elder Scrolls Online leaked screens

Elder Scrolls Online leaked screens

Elder Scrolls Online Screens Elder Scrolls Online leaked screens I'm sorry, the graphics look a bit dumbed down to the level of MMO's like Lord of the Rings Online or EverQuest. A bit underwhelming and looks like a step backwards in terms of visuals. The first image above was the first image officially released. The rest are leaked images of the game which doesn't change what I think of how the game looks like.

Its 2012. MMO's have been around for years now and have been built on what is considered as a generic formula that makes a good MMO. They all look the same to me now. Its time for something revolutionary - A big step forward to get people excited for an online game again. With this planned for 2013, I can tell you already that this won't be it. Elder Scrolls Online will have the usual features of any MMO - PVP, questing, dungeons to explore with groups but nothing unique to keep it apart from the rest.

Together with the reveal, a teaser trailer was released. Which is pretty much the Skyrim teaser all over again that shows absolutely nothing. This is actually worse since it's just the game's logo in close up.

A unique feature is what MMO is going for nowadays. That's the only way to survive alongside  the behemoth that is World of Warcraft and millions of other MMO's trying to stay alive as well. What is Elder Scrolls Online's unique feature? I have no idea. GameInfomer's June issue is said to have a full coverage of the game and hopefully they can answer that question. Also, IGN has a great wiki that has all the information so far about Elder Scrolls Online. So if you want to educate yourself further about this game, click here now.

I was really hoping for Elder Scrolls Online to be Skyrim or Morrowind but with online features, but I guess that was too good to be true. Maybe its a bit too soon to judge this title, but like I said - Not what I expected at all. What do you guys think of this reveal? Excited? or do you feel the same way.

Lost Planet 3 revealed at Captivate 2012

Lost Planet 3 Quite surprised with this announcement at Capcom's Captivate 2012. A third game in the Lost Planet series? What's even worse is that it's not really Capcom working on the third game. Sparks Unlimited is the name of Lost Planet 3's developer and their latest(and only) games in their belt is Legendary and Turning Point which aren't good games to begin with from what I remember. Anyways feast your eyes at this cinematic trailer.

Not that much information about this game aside from the early 2013 release date and that Sparks Unlimited is in charge of this title. It seems like Capcom likes sending their franchises over to other devs nowadays. They have sent Devil May Cry to Ninja Theory's way and even gave a Resident Evil title to Six Slant Games.

Excited about this title? I lost faith thanks to Lost Planet 2, but it all depends if it gives the third title a whole different feel.

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 TGS trailer reveals Virgil and Ironfist gameplay

During TGS 2011, Capcom reveals a new trailer revealing two new characters for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. In Capcom's side Virgil(Dante's brother) joins the fight. While in the Marvel side, we have Iron Fist, a martial arts master. Not only do they show new characters, they also reveal another interesting announcement.

Not only do they officially reveal two new characters, the trailer also confirms the leaked character roster of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. During the trailer, You see pictures of Frank West, Phoenix Wright and other characters in the leaked roster.  Also in the trailer, they also reveal that a portable version of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is heading for the PS Vita and it looks pretty good.

TGS 2011 trailer

Virgil Trailer

Iron First Trailer

[Sources: Eventhubs, Video Game Lounge]

[UPDATE:Prey 2 debut trailer]Prey 2 is in development..

Cover of French magazine Joystick hit the web and revealed something.....unexpected. A sequel to the portal-like FPS game Prey is in the works and bethesda made the official announcement.

Bethesda sure is one busy company and i didn't think a Prey sequel would come to light.The company recently acquired the Prey franchise from 2k games in 2009 and is aiming for a 2012 release on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. Development of Prey 2 is still being handled by the original team, Human Head Studios, and is using the id tech engine. id tech 4 might be the engine for Prey 2 sine They apparently have been in development for quite some time now so the use of the latest id tech 5 engine(the game engine powering rage) was never an option.

No other information about the game but at least Prey fans now have something to look forward to.

[UPDATE]: HumanHead Studio's just released a debut trailer of Prey 2. It's a live-action trailer and has no gameplay footage. Not too thrilled by the trailer but enjoy.


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