Weekend, what are you playing?

Weekend post 76

It's the weekend again. Got any games that you want to play or beat this weekend?

Migoy: Since the PS3 version of Bioshock Infinite comes a copy of the original Bioshock, that is a game that I plan to beat. The city of Rapture and its story has always intrigued me and what better way to find out about the story than to experience it myself. The game makes me feel really claustrophobic though. Another game on my weekend list is apparently the image that I put up. It's been super hot lately since with summer being a thing in the Philippines at this time of year. I thought to myself "maybe if I play a game with a lot of water, it might trick my mind into thinking that it's cooler". Bioshock does have a lot of water but the feeling of being stuck in an underwater cit while crazy people with guns inhabit it is not exactly the most soothing of scenarios. Initially I was planning to pop in Super Mario Sunshine but I felt like playing The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker instead. God, this game is still awesome. As for the handheld department, still grinding in the Injustice: Gods Among Us iOS app. Working my way to get a Batman card so that I can unlock the Batman Beyond costume on the console version which Arlie has already unlocked via a gold booster pack..

Carlos: Pretty busy week for me but I was able to do some gaming during my time off work. Around Monday last week, Darksiders 2 went 75% off for a day and I just couldn't resist because it was only P450 for me. So I instantly bought it and started downloading. But since this was going to be the PC version, I wasn't planning on playing it via keyboard and mouse, so I went out and got a wired Xbox 360 controller to use in my PC. Darksiders 2 was done downloading, controller worked, and I love the game. The sequel has a lot of changes and improvements that make it a different game in a sense. When I ended my last session I Was 5 hours in, planning to play some more on the weekend.

HOLY WEEK! What are you playing!?

bioshock Infinite_arlie Happy long weekend! Well, for those in the Philippines at least, thanks to this week's holy week. It's a bit late to create a post like this since holy week did start last Wednesday, but yesterday is really when everybody is in relax mode for the whole week, I'm sure some of you have plans to go out with family, but I'm positive there are some, like myself, are all set to get some gaming done. What are you planning to play during this long weekend??

Carlos: I honestly have a lot planned. Since I started my new job last month, I've had a couple of games neglected since I just didn't have the time to play them. I still want to play a few games of Smite, the Free-To-Play Third Person MOBA, to get a better feel of the game. and I've yet to finish Final Fantasy XIII-2 (I'm literally in the end, just need to cross that finish line). But thanks to me getting BioShock Infinite, I'm putting that as my top priority because the game is just too darn good.

I literally got glued to the controller once I started up my Xbox 360 with BioShock inside. I'm on my second night with the game and its a pretty lengthy game, which I appreciate. Because at this point, I really don't want  it to end anytime soon. I'm playing on hard on my first playthrough and I just realized that the Handy Man is the worst enemy to face if you don't know which Vigor to use. Keep a look out for them, they are no joke.

Arlie: For this long weekend I was just planning to play my backlog games like Dishonored (haven't touched the game yet). I knew Bioshock Infinite will be released this week but I really have no plan buying it. But when I watched and read some of the reviews, I knew I have to get the game at the last minute before the malls close for the Holy Week. I got a copy for my PS3 (shown above) and it includes the Original Bioshock in the disc that you have to install first before playing. Since it is a long weekend most of my Steam friends are online, we play casual private game of DOTA 2.

Migoy: Started playing Asura's Wrath last week and I think I'm almost done with the games. The last episode I played was episode 15 and most of the bad guys are already dead so yeah. After that the PS3 copies of Bioshock Infinite come with the first Bioshock on disc, I was so tempted to buy a copy though with holy week happening, I won't be able to buy a copy at least until Saturday (given that the shops still have it in stock). Aside from that, I downloaded a bunch of free-to-play games on Steam so I might try some of them out. That and I also downloaded Surgeon Simulator 2013.


Weekend! What are you playing?


It's the weekend again! Everybody loves Fridays, some go out and have a great night out, while some like to kick back pop in a game and relax. I'm sure most of you are still trying to knock off a few titles to lessen your backlog pile. Me? I'll keep my backlog big for now, because I again see myself revisiting a game that came out in 2011. The arrow in the knee pic above pretty much sums up what I'm playing this weekend. What are you playing?

Carlos: SKYRIMMM! Yea... I decided to continue my ranger that I started last Tuesday. When I first played the game back when it was released, I took a risk and got the 360 version. I enjoyed my time in Skyrim  with a controller, regardless of the horrible loading times, graphic lags, and  mammoths falling from the sky. This time though, I want to play the game right, so I'm going  to be playing the PC version which is a first for me. I might also play a few League of Legends games if my friends bother me enough via Skype.

Migoy: Been busy with some stuff lately so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to play anything this weekend but I do need to get on that Anarchy Reigns playthrough. Aside from that I also want to play more Persona 4 Arena ranked matches just for kicks. I also just found out last night that you can play with up to 3 other people locally in Castlevania: Harmony of Despair. I always thought that the multiplayer aspect was online only. I won't do a video of it now but it does give me an idea of what I can do with it in the future.

Weekend, What are you playing?


First "What are you playing?" post of 2013! Actually it's been awhile now since we last did this, so I decided to bring it back. It's the first weekend of the year and I've been consumed with a strategy game that I just love. 

Quash: Civilization V is currently my game of choice. Thanks for Steam giving a 75% discount on the game's Gods & Kings expansion pack, I instantly got it. I thought at first after making the purchase that I might be just hoarding the game for the sake of getting the 75% off,  but when I ran the game with the expansion for the first time, 5 hours literally passed. It made me realize how I love strategy games. With the expansion installed, the game felt more addicting and quite unpredictable compared to the vanilla version.

It's funny that I was getting all excited that I was the first civilization to establish a religion, or that I'm a couple of turns away from building The Great Pyramid wonder because I really needed that 15% increase in wonder contructions. I got addicted fast. I was exposed to the game way back. When I was a kid, I used to watch my brother and get really curious about the game, when I got a chance to try it, I had a difficulty time progressing through the game. Thankfully when I was a bit older, I gave it another shot come Civilization IV, and I was an instant fan of the series. Civ V is just amazing, but when you compare it to the fourth, well that's for another time.

Arlie: Happy New Year everyone! The Open Beta Test of  the first English version of Ragnarok Online II The Legend of the Second launched last January 3 and I've been squishing Porings since then. It was intended only for players who are based in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam but other countries can play. Unfortunately Philippines and some other countries are IP blocked from this game but using VPN (I use Hotspot Shield) or proxies can be used as a workaround to bypass the IP block. I'm playing in Jormungand Server as a Artisan Archer, and my path is to be a Ranger.

Migoy: Went over to my cousin's place and played a buncha games with him and his 2 brothers. Those games being NBA 2k13 where the 4 of us played as teammates and got beat by the CPU so hard. Can't say that teamwork was a factor since we didn't really have any, lol. We got into the fighting games too. Did the whole Street Fighter x Tekken thing going on, both regular combat and scramble mode. Played a bit of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition with the iCore arcade sticks I bought a while back (which surprisingly still work pretty darn well). And of course we played dat Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 that we love so much.

What about you? What are you playing?

Weekend, what are you playing?

Diablo 3 in Inferno It's the last week of May. A couple of great titles were released this month, but I'm still invested in one particular game that had the most attention this month. Are you in the same boat as me or did you guys have a completely different weekend? If you did then good for you. So go ahead, tell us what you've been playing this weekend.

Quash: The image above pretty much sums up my weekend really. My Demon Hunter is now level 60 and in Act 2 on Inferno Difficulty. Inferno is definitely a challenge. Better level 60 gear and more awareness is key. Currently farming gear in Act 1 because Act 2 is still not doable with my current gear. I'm getting one shot by bugs the size of my crossbow. Not cool. So I'm doing the Act 1 boss over and over again. Might not sound fun for some, but for some reason, I'm getting a kick out of this farming method.


Migoy: Got a new microphone for my broadcasting setup and since I got a Skycable broadband setup I had to put it to the test first. For testing out my new mic and net for streaming I played Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 because again that game can give children seizures with it's fast moving images and flashing brightlights which makes it a perfect guinea pig. From what I can tell the mic is and the setting I have for the stream seem to work out fine. The only problem being my net (or possibly the router) acting up and disconnecting me from time to time.

However, before I started doing tests for the stream I also tried out online gaming with my Skycable broadband. The game in question was Street Fighter x Tekken. I'm using my HongKong PSN account since the region of my game is R3 and with it's DLC being region locked it is appropriate that I used my Asia account. Got a few yellow bar connections which worked really well. SFxT's netcode is amazing. Sure I got a few cheap sweeps in but you can hardly feel the input lag well compared to Super Street Fighter IV and especially UMvC3.

I will try to stream again later tonight and maybe continue my very early gameplay of Final Fantasy XIII so that I can shut-off my brain and just run through straight and narrow corridors in that game.