Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes gets a release date

mgsvgz_ss_demo_001 Excited for a new Metal Gear title? Well Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes was just dated for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. Konami also released two new trailers to go with the release date. Check it out after the bump.

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes will be launched on March 18, 2014. Take note that Ground Zeroes is the prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Think of it as Gran Turismo 5: Prologue way back.

With the announcement of the release date, they also released new trailers for the game. The Night trailer is a long demonstration, revealing that the game will have two difficulty settings - normal and hard.

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes 'Night' trailer

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes 'Jamais Vu' Trailer

This trailer features an Xbox exclusive DLC content that makes the cyborg ninja Raiden a playable character in this mission. How's that possible? Let's not think about it too much, this is Metal Gear Solid after all.

[Source: Gematsu]

E3 2013: Impressive Metal Gear Solid V trailer

mg5 Microft kicks-off their press conference with a big game trailer - Metal Gear Solid V. This trailer focuses on the open-world aspects of the game. We also get a better look on the visual detail of Fox Engine created by Hideo Kojima. Have a look below.

[Source: IGN]