Jimquisition: The Past Is Not The Future

Jim Sterling talks about why Nintendo went about lowering the price of the 3DS and that how the claims of Nintendo fans boys saying that "the DS didn't sell well when it first started but look at it now" is complete bollocks. A bit of a slap back to reality if you will on this episode of The Jimquisition.

They say history repeats itself, but that's not always true. Just because something happened with a videogame console over five years ago, that doesn't mean it'll happen again. The past is not the future, and the present is a very different animal.

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New episodes of Jimquisition appear every Monday, only at The Escapist.

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F.E.A.R 3 brings the art of videogame manuals BACK

Saving paper? Bullturd. I want thick colorfull manuals back!

I think it was Ubisoft that started all this non-sense. Stating that they would significantly reduce the already diminishing pages of their video game manuals. Their excuse it that "it's a means to save paper" which I think is a load of shit excrement. Sure saving paper is great but I see this as just their means of cheaping out so that the bigwigs can get that sparkling new *insert expensive item here* earlier. My FEAR (see what I did there?) is that other companies will / are already slowly going down the same route. Pretty soon even hard copies of games will no longer exist. :(

Jim Sterling takes a look at the best videogame manual to be made in 100,000 years.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alucKTc0z3w&w=560&h=349]