Quick Look: We Go Through The First Hours Of Mass Effect Andromeda

We've been exploring the Andromeda Galaxy in the latest entry of Mass Effect and as much as we want to poke at the funny animations and bad writing, it's still a fun game overall. No, seriously. First impressions do last after all and the game is struggling because of it. Mass Effect: Andromeda's first few hours failed to get the player in the right mood to tackle Ryder's adventure. as a Pathfinder, taking the lead in finding proper homes for the Milky Way Galaxy races in this new galaxy. 

As you can see us playing the start of the game with Raffy from Geekend Gladiators, with all jokes aside, we got detached too often for many reasons, and that's not something you want to happen during your first session of the game. 

We played more of it and we are currently 50+ hours into the game, and with all the negative impressions of it, so far we are having a blast, together with a few giggles along the way. Bioware did a lot right in Mass Effect: Andromeda, but the wrong can be tough to ignore once it shows itself. 

Mass Effect: Andromeda is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. For a more detailed discussion, check out episode 163 as we tackle every aspect of Andromeda with a guest who has a lot to say after finishing the game himself.