Rockstar Rewards Player Who Found A Fix To Improve Loading Times In GTA Online

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A player that goes by the name T0st recently found a fix to improve the loading times of GTA Online on the PC by up to 70 percent. Rockstar took notice and confirmed the fix and will be applying it on the game’s next update. As a thank you for their work on the matter, the company rewarded the player $10,000 for the trouble.

What was the problem? Well, you can read the player’s detailed and technical write up of what’s wrong and how they fixed it here, but to summarize - the long loading times is due to a single thread CPU bottleneck that occurs when you boot GTA Online.

T0st confirmed that Rockstar has reached out to him and was rewarded $10,000. The prize way given through Rockstar Bug Bounty program, which is primarily used to discover security or privacy issues in Rockstar’s online games, like GTA Online or Red Dead Online.

Rockstar hasn’t given a date as to when the update with T0st’s fix will go live, but if one day you boot up GTA Online and noticed how the improved loading times, you know who to thank.