Players have already earned the Platinum trophy of Elden Ring

Despite Elden Ring being From Software’s biggest game to date, fans played the game to their hearts content that some players took just a week to earn the game’s platinum trophy on PlayStation.

If you go to the game’s trophy list, 0.1% of the game’s player base has earned the trophy after a week since it was released.

One of the players that was able to get this prestigious trophy was a player that goes by the name SweetPeachGames on Twitter, as the player not only stated that the game exceeded all expectations but that she has already earned the platinum trophy on March 4, 2022. If she started on launch day, which was February 25, that’s just in a week’s time. 

Don’t think the game is short by any means as a lot of time was spent to reach this goal. It apparently took 16 hours straight every day for SweetPeachGames and pretty much did nothing else but play the game, according to her Tweet. It took almost 100 hours to get it done. 

This is an amazing feat as the trophy list of Elden Ring is similar to other From Software games like Bloodborne and Dark Souls, where you’re required to get all legendary spells, legendary talismans, legendary weapons, get all endings, and beat all major bosses in the game. That’s not easy, especially since you need multiple playthroughs to earn specific trophies.

Another Twitter user that goes by the name asaf1500 on Twitter also picked up the Platinum around the same time. Congrats to both!  There are more out there i’m sure that have 100% completed the game, especially players that played the game on other platforms.

Now that it’s clearly possible to pull off the platinum trophy this quickly, I wonder if those participating in the platinum challenge from a local retailer form the Philippines will be able to earn the trophy before the deadline. 

Elden Ring is a behemoth of a game with the potential to shape future open world games with how From Software tackled world building and level design. I too am amazed at what those at From Software have delivered. I finished the game a few days ago and my review of Elden Ring remains true after the credits started rolling. 

Elden Ring is now available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.