New Hearthstone Battlegrounds season adds a new minion type - Naga

Blizzard announced that on May 10, Hearthstone Battlegrounds, , will be getting Rise of the Naga, the first season for the popular game mode. This season adds the Naga minion type, a new hero, and the keyword Spellcraft. 

Rise of the Naga, also known as patch 23.2, will launch with 16 new Naga minions to pick for your warband, which will incorporate the new keyword Spellcraft, which either gives spells or gain power when these spells are played. 

Here’s what you need to know about Spellcraft according to Blizzard:

  • Minions with the Spellcraft keyword grant a temporary spell each turn. 

  • Spellcraft spells leave your hand at the end of your turn - if you don’t use them, you lose them. 

  • Spellcraft effects only last until your next Recruit phase. 

  • If your hand is full, Spellcraft spells will “wait” until there is a free space in your hand, instead of getting destroyed or being delayed a turn.

This update also adds a new hero, Queen Azshara, the Highborne Queen. Her ability only goes online once you compose a warband of 30 attack. When triggered, the Hero can use the ability Naga Conquest, which allows you to Discover a Naga each turn. 

According to a blog post from Blizzard, the Rise of the Naga launches 5 minions will be removed from the total minion pool. There will be 5 new minions added, and apparently 2 returning favorites. When the update goes live, your Battlegrounds Rating will reset, which means a new to the top. 

Battlegrounds was introduced in 2019, during the sudden rise of battle royale games and since its release it has become a popular game mode that rivals the main game mode of Hearthstone.