Amazon Game Studios Is Launching Crucible, A Free-To-Play Online Shooter This May 2020


Amazon Games Studios released our first look at their free-to-play online multiplayer shooter Crucible which is slated to launch on May 20, 2020, marking this as their first title release as a studio.

This is Amazon Game Studios’ spin on the multiplayer team-based gameplay we know very well thanks to games like Overwatch or even, most recently, Valorent, where team play is essential.

It’s too early to get a good idea of the game’s various abilities in their roster of characters, and if the overall gameplay would bring something unique to the table. But in terms of the game modes, they are coming out of the gate with three interesting game modes on offer. Crucible will have a PvPvE mode called Heart of the Hives, where you are fighting not only players but the environment to complete objectives. The game will also have their own take at the battle royale called Alpha hunters where four teams of two battle it out to see who is the last team/man standing. Lastly, we have Alpha Command which is simply the traditional Control game mode where a team will have to control capture points to generate more points. The team that reaches the point threshold wins.

Crucible is slated for a May 20 release for PC via Steam.

Writer’s take: May 20 is not that far away. With the amount of information about Crucible out as of this writing, It’s an interesting time to attempt in capturing the players attention with the current rise of Valorant and not to mention the titles that have already occupied the space, like Destiny 2, Overwatch, to name a few.