E3 2012: Tomb Raider gameplay demo

Probably one of the best reveals that came out of Microsoft's press conference was the Tomb Raider gameplay demo. While Crystal Dynamics already showed the game in last year's E3, this year gives you a clear picture of actual combat. It was an amazing presentation and I can't wait to get my hands on this game.

E3 2012: Quantic Dreams new game - Beyond: Two Souls

Beyond; Two Souls During Sony's Press Conference, the show started with the reveal of Quantic Dreams(Heavy Rain) next big game - Beyond: Two Souls. I'm a bit confused on how this game is going to play out but the studio aims to create the same level of story telling mixed with a bit more action.  They brought in actress Ellen Page to play the main protagonist Jodie Holmes in Beyond: Two Souls. Still a bit vauge in the details about this game but Jodie seems to have some sort of connection to a sort of entity. What kind of entity? Have no idea. Check the trailer out though and maybe you can give some insight about this new PS3 exclusive.


E3 2012: The Last of Us gameplay demo

The Last of Us Sony's press conference just ended, and it ended with a bang. Last reveal of the conference was the one I've been waiting for since it's existence - actually gameplay footage. Well Naughty Dog gave us just that. Take a look at the 7-minute demo of The Last of Us.

The Last of Us gameplay demo

Pretty amazed with the performance of the AI in Ellie. Still not sure though if it will be that convincing when the full game is out. if it does come out very smart and reliable, Naughty Dog again will set the bar high for future AI characters.

The inventory and life bar also indicates that survival is a key element in this game. Shooting does feel like Uncharted and hopefully ammo is always an issue in the game. So far, the game is looking better and better as they reveal new footage.


E3 2012: God of War: Ascension gameplay demo

God of War Ascension Sony's press conference ended and was pretty good. Started strong and slowed down with the reveal of that book, then picked up the pace with the first look at God of War Ascension. It's looking to be what fans want - More God of War carnage. Check out the demo now.

God of War: Ascension gameplay trailer

Not only do we get first look at the new God of War game, we get its release date too. God of War Ascension will be released on March 12, 2013 exclusive to Playstation 3.

E3 2012: Splinter Cell: Blacklist revealed

Splinter Cell Microsoft had a horrible press conference in my eyes, but one game sparked my interest. Splinter Cell: blacklist was announced and was pretty impressive with its smooth gameplay, killing enemies on the move.Check out the demo and trailer below.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist gameplay demo

Splinter Cell: Blacklist trailer

sadly, Sam Fisher seems to have a different voice in Blacklist which I'm sure most fans consider as a setback. Splinter Cell: Blacklist is set for a Spring 2013 release.