New Persona 4 Toys

p4 toys A friend of mine was getting rid of some figures and statues from her collection and I decided to take some of the Persona 4 stuff she had for sale. All 3 items were things that I've been eyeing for a while, 2 of which I've been meaning to get for some time now. First off are two figures from Max Factory's FIGMA line, Chie Satonaka based off her appearance in the Persona 4 anime and Labrys from her appearance in Persona 4 Arena. The third is a statue of Chie Satonaka by Taito depicting her character select art from Persona 4 Arena.

figma labyrs and chie

Sorry for the very congested instagram photos. Currently don't have space to do a proper photoshoot. The FIGMAs are what I expected. They handle better than the other FIGMAs I have but maybe that's due to their accessory count. Aside from Labrys' giant unwieldy axe, they're pretty easy to mess with.

figma labyrs on fire

As for the Taito statue, Chie is in a great pose and balances well. My problem lies with the giant yellow plastic block that acts as the stand. It's terrible in both design and presentation. Not only does it look bad. It's also huge! Though I did find a good spot for it behind my original PlayStation and whodathunk it. My Ps2 clear yellow and green controllers perfectly match Chie's jacket. It was meant to be.

taito chie 01

If you wanna catch what other bullshit I've bought, follow me on instagram.

Persona 4 Arena Getting A Sequel / Update

p4a update 11 It looks like Persona 4 Arena is getting either a sequel or an update. Sporting a new UI, a new HUD and (at least for now) 2 new characters.

The new characters the have been revealed are Junpei and Yukari from Persona 3. Arc System Works began a location test for the game at two locations in Japan from August 16 to 18. Every character is also said to have Shadow of versions now and that Shadow characters will not have burst.

I'm getting a little too excited about this seeing as P4A is one of my favorite fighting games of this generation of consoles. Hearing about this is quite surprising, especially with the new BlazBlue coming out soon and the next Guilty Gear being in the works. Definitely will be trying out my girl Yukari-chan if and hopefully when I get my hands on this

Source: [Gematsu, Eventhubs]

Persona 4 Arena Replays

p4a replay I'll start posting some replays of my Persona 4 Arena matches when I'm playing but not recording. The P4A online match videos will still be happening but this just a little something that I will post from time to time.

Be warned. A lot of the replays that I upload will probably end up with me landing an instant kill. Mostly with Kanji.

Persona 4 Arena - Learning Chie

P4A Learning Chie Aside from Kanji and Yosuke, Chie is another character that I really want to get good at. Skull Crackers and Dragon Kicks, this spunky carnivore with deadly legs will hopefully bring me some wins online.

Chie was actually the first character that I started to use when I got Persona 4 Arena. With her being my favorite character in the original Persona 4 RPG on the PS2, it would only make sense that I'd choose her first. Chie is a pretty straight forward character to use. She does pretty good damage but still requires a bit of work to pull off a win, especially in an offline environment. I probably don't know what I'm talking about though.

PSN ID used: tmgshow

Persona 4 Arena - Learning Kanji

P4A Learning Kanji Now while using Yosuke, with his extremely hard play style, is fun and all. Constantly going for mix-ups and performing combos that deal no damage can get tiring.

In this playlist, we go for with the guy that some would say is the complete opposite of the swift and nimble kunai wielding character that is Yosuke Hanamura. And that is the blood-curdling beefcake emperor himself, the main with the steelchair in hand, mister Kanji Tatsumi. With his slow movement, command grabs, and ridiculous damage output, we can't help but get a little cocky when using Kanji online. Along side the powerful Take-Mikazuchi, me and my cousin Bud are not afraid to "wake-up persona grab to ex-chair" our way to victory.

PSN ID used: tmgshow