Donkey Kong Country Returns with Migoy and Bud

Donkey Kong Country Returns I've been meaning to play this game for a while now but since it appears to be best enjoyed when playing with another person, I got my cousin Bud (PSN ID: KickinTotz) to join me.

With how crazy the stages can get, especially the minecart segments, this is surely a game that will test friendships. Expect to hear us screaming, sometimes at each other, through out the videos.


The Last Story trailer... in English?!

ENGLISH Can it be? Are we going to get The Last Story in English? Please let it be true!

The Last Story, created by the father of Final Fantasy himself Hironobu Sakaguchi, is one of the "Swords" from Operation Rainfall (a community formed to supposed the internation localization of 3 Japanese Wii games).

Xenoblade got a European release and will soon get an American release in April, 2012. Now that is all well and good and I will definitely find a way to score myself a copy of Xenoblade but The Last Story was the top game that I wanted localized from the 3 game being pushed by Operation Rainfall. With this English trailer it looks like I'm getting my wish. I hope that Pandora's Tower also gets localized because I am also very interested in that game.


The Nintendo Wii gets a new look

No, I'm not talking about the WiiU.

Nintendo is giving the Wii a make-over and will be released in the UK this Christmas. The console will be bundled with a copy of Wii Party and Wii Sports. The console will be a white Wii with a slight redesign to sit horizontally rather than vertically. It has also been revealed that this new Wii will not have any GameCube support.

The removal of GameCube support may not be a big deal for most of you but I personally love the GameCube backwards compatibility of my Wii. I always appreciate it when games include support for the GameCube controller and I love me some GameCube action from time to time which is easier since I don't have to bust out my old GameCube everytime I wanna play some Melee or sail in Wind Waker.

As for the console lying down horizontally... didn't the original design already have rubber feet on the one side? Nintendo, sometimes I fail to understand you.

Via [NintendoLife]

Nintendo of America heard us and responded

Operation Rainfall is gaining a lot of buzz about their battle of wanting The Last Story, Xenoblade, and Pandora's Tower localized, Nintendo of America finally heard the fans. They reposnded by posting a status on their Facebook page that said this.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm. We promised an update, so here it is. We never say “never,” but we can confirm that there are no plans to bring these three games to the Americas at this time. Thanks so much for your passion, and for being such great fans!"

Real dick move Nintendo (of America). Not cool.

Nintendo! Localize these games! NOW!

We all know the Wii is on life support now, especially with the announcement of the Wii U. Nintendo claims that the Wii U will coexist with the Wii but aside from Skyward Sword, there seems to be no other big name Wii title coming out this year... in North America at least.

This has led to Operation Rainfall, a campaign started by Wii owners to try to convince Nintendo to localize The Lasy Story, Xenoblade, and Pandora's Tower. I myself want these 3 games localized too as they look fantastic.

The Last Story is a game headed the legendar Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of Final Fantasy.


Xenoblade has 'Xeno' in it so I bet you're all thinking about Xenogears and Xenosaga right now. Oh by the way, Xenoblade looks incredible too.


Pandora's Tower is a sort of action brawler Castlevania looking thing which I have to say I am also very interested to play.


Help out the cause so that Nintendo will finally get a fucking clue and localize these games! I doubt it'd even cost them that much in the first place. If they claim that the Wii will coexist with the Wii U they'd better prove it.

I heard that Xenoblade will be localized in Europe, they weren't allowed to announce it at this year's E3 because Nintendo of America handles stuff there. If Nintendo of America still doesn't get their act together, I'll have to import the game. But what about the other 2?

You can visit Operation Rainfall's site here.