Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time

sam jack gba LP Cartoon licenced games don't tend to be good, mediocre at best, but there are some that when looked at closely and buffed just a little bit turn out to be gems. Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time is one of them. A GBA (Gameboy Advance) game with a bit of RPG and Metroidvania elements and controls that require you to be cautious with your actions. Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time is a fun little side scroller that's very true to the show. Watch as I jump into Aku's twisted future and try to find a way back to the past. Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 01 - Metroidvania?


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 02 - Stiff Controls


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 03 - VS Robo Spider Ant Boss


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 04 - Some Prince of Persia Shit


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 05 - More of the Castle


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 06 - VS Priest Bot


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 07 - I Figured it Out


Samurai Jack: The The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 08 - Exploring


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 09 - VS Ghost Viking and Fire Boss


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 10 - Late Night Samurai Jacking


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 11 - VS Robo Minotaur


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 12 - More of the Ice Place


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 13 - Jacking in the Monk Temple


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 14 - Game Crash


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 15 - Neo Retro Tokyo


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 16 - VS Android Brain


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 17 - VS Hologram Megaman


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 18 - Aku City


Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 19 FINALE - VS Aku

RGP # 20 - Mega Man Zero

Random Gaming Post # 20

With my Mega Man craze going on right now, I was reminded of a certain series that was particularly awesome back in the GameBoy Advance era.

Mega Man Zero was one of my favorite Mega Man series'. They gameplay felt fresh yet familiar, the character art captured me, and the story, for what it's worth, isn't that bad though I admit a little strange.

This brought me to one of my favorite moments from the MMZ series. MMZ3 in particular touched my heart due to one boss battle. The final battle of the game between you and Omega. Not just Omega but his true form.

Spoiler alert, if you have not played the MMZ games and are planning to, stop reading this right now. Where was I, ah yes. The final encounter battle between you and Omega's real form. The original Zero body. Now of course final boss battles are usually against these giant hulking masses of robot in Mega Man games and you could also say in almost every other game. But it's these one on one boss fights that I like. Fighting against someone your own size makes it feel like you are on equal grounds and it's up to your skill to defeat the opponent.

Aside from the over all coolness of the twist and nature of the boss battle, the music is what made it win overall. Sometimes having a piano tune carry the song instead of the overlly rock n roll filled MMX/MMZ OSTs carry just makes it feel classy. And as I said, given the twist and nature of the battle, it just... fits

Don't have a GBA you say? Don't worry, Mega Man Zero Collection is available on the Nintendo DS. It contains all 4 MMZ games and can be played the way it was intended or in a way that helps you power through the game without the grinds.
